Buddhism for Beginners
The Buddhism for Beginners Podcast is brought to you by Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC). KPC was founded by Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo Rinpoche to uphold the Palyul lineage within the Nyingma tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism. KPC is a hub of compassionate activity with a mission to inspire people to improve the world and end suffering for the benefit of all beings.
The Buddhism for Beginners podcast draws from a wealth of teachings by Jetsunma and other great masters from around the world. Gain insight and guidance into how you can apply foundational Buddhist principles and meditation techniques to use in your everyday life. For more teachings, meditations, and resources visit out online virtual temple at Tara.org.
Buddhism for Beginners
Chöd (Cutting the Ego) Western-style
When Jetsunma was in her early 20’s she practiced examining all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional. What she found in the things of samsara: "There’s no future in this." At the same time, meditating upon the natural, luminous state that is free of contrivance, she would cry, realizing that this primordial nature is free of all causes of suffering yet none of us have awakened to it. This practice, clearly outlined in detail, gives rise to a breadth and depth of compassion that makes the rest of one’s life very simple. Accomplishing this, there is no longer any decision to be made. All of one’s life becomes a vehicle to benefit all beings. Later Jetsunma learned that this practice is called Chöd in Tibet.
For more resources, teachings and practices, visit www.tara.org